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Introducing Beerstrap

It's been almost a year since I started with Beerstrap (on my free time). I've always thought that software development can be quite time consuming if it is not properly carried out. Also, nowadays, it has become really important to reach the Market first: there are several Startups out there fighting for a place in the market with very limited foundings. And, here is, where Agile makes sense: at the early stages of a product some requirements may change depending on the end-users or the Market itself. Product owners must involve the clients when building the product in order to reduce the risks of failing.

Beerstrap has been developed in order to allow developers not to start from scratch, i.e. to start from a good base that allows them to reduce the well-known "time-to-market". I don't like to call it "framework", it is just a group of frameworks (the best on each field in my opinion) assembled together to offer a startup product that will allow you to develop a prototype within days, indeed, a prototype with a good UI design.

Nowadays, Beerstrap would be ideal for management applications, intranets, etc. in which scaffolding and code-generation help a lot when developing. As it is an open-source project, the code is free to use it to build you own product.

Welcome to Beerstrap!